Research is often a vital part of a business’s growth and success. Formulating a plan for meeting regulations when it comes to ensuring that products make it from the idea phase to the design phase and, finally, to the release phase. As Oracle noted in their white paper entitled, “Product Development Under the Microscope,” every business can benefit from a concept known as business process management (BPM). Here’s how:

1. Provide proper framework

Utilizing a BPM provides a framework for people within the business to follow as they strive to achieve the release of a product amid regulations. This allows each member of the team to optimize their talents and strengths within certain parameters. As benchmarks are met, the process moves on the the next step within the framework. 

2. Hardwire efficiency

With each project that a business takes on — research or otherwise — its resources and knowledge must be maximized for the best efficiency. In fact, in order to be effective, a business needs to be able to hardwire efficiency into their every action. Otherwise, certain aspects of the business’s functions could be subjected to project overload. This typically results in the progress seen in product development and other projects slowing down significantly. 

3. Monitor

New product development requires rigid procedures whose aim is to enforce control of the design. Ensuring that this development continues in a sustainable manner, requires constant monitoring and adjustments against the backdrop of the aforementioned design procedures. This process also helps satisfy the any regulations that might be at play. Likewise, when it comes to a BPM, it must be looked at based on its own merits. While such business processes are vital to the product development process, they do not undergo the same rigorous requirements as the design segment of the procedure. 

Ensuring that the three above key areas are fleshed out and accounted for helps businesses launch new products and meet the regulatory demands of the industry.